Anyone else played this game yet? Mike and I grabbed it at the card shop last week to work on an episode. (The episode had technical problems and is being re-shot tomorrow) but I think this became Mike's new favorite game. The premise is random characters from literature and pop-culture (each box has a theme) can be matched up against each other for an all-out deathmatch. Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. Bruce Lee, Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula., Dr. Jekkel vs. The Raptors from Jurrasic Park., etc. There are about 6 packs that we have found so far (we have purchased them all) and so far we have not found any bad matchups no matter how ridiculous they are. Out of the characters currently available, what are your favorite match-up combinations? What else would you guys like to see this company make?
Currently available characters (as of this post)
Cobble & Fogg Set
Sherlock Holmes
Dr. Jekkel / Mr. Hyde
The Invisible Man
Bruce Lee Set
Bruce Lee
Jurrasic Park Set
Battle of Legends Volume 1
King Arthur
Alice (In Wonderland)
Little Red Riding Hood
Robin Hood
Big Foot