Nowadays everyone waits anxiously to download and play the new Madden game, or the new NBA 2k title. Don't get me wrong; I am generally one of those people. That being said, however, I long for a much simpler time in sports gaming. Do the new games look better than they ever have? Yes. Do they give you the opportunity to live vicariously through draining a deep 3 pointer with Steph Curry, or launch a massive home run with Aaron Judge? Of course they do. But I ask you this: Does it feel stale? I answer yes to this time and time again. Year after year, the same exact games are released with nothing new, except updated graphics. Not every game franchise is guilty of this. The UFC franchise has changed gameplay with each release, but the major games, (ie: Madden, 2K, and MLB the Show), all suffer from being stuck in a rut.

Let's take this back in time. I'm not a super retro gamer that grew up playing Tecmo Bowl and Super Punch Out. My first foray into the world of sports video games was on the Nintendo 64, Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. This game had it all, and it is still one of my favorite games of all time. It was updated, and yet has simple controls, a full lineup of MLB teams and players, and one of the best franchise modes for the time. I spent countless hours wheeling and dealing players so that I could have Ken Griffey Jr. and Randy Johnson play for the Braves (or just forcing the roster change to save time). It also had cheat codes! Really hate one specific team and want to make them pay? I sure did (the damn Yankees). Whenever Griffey stepped to the plate you could hit left, left, right, right, right, left, left on the d-pad, and he would call his shot and put it in the cheap seats, guaranteed! The best part of the game? I didn't have to earn some form of currency to increase my stats or abilities. I could just play baseball and have fun. My first football game was NFL Blitz. What happened to this franchise? Why isn't there a game anymore where half the fun is pulling ridiculous wrestling moves on the opposing team after the play? Who wouldn't want to powerbomb Tom Brady? Again the best part was that you didn't have to pay any extra to play a game you already had.

Today most people get NBA 2k to create their own player, progress their stats, and dominate the competition in the online PvP experience. I am no slouch at basketball games myself, but I just don't have the time to put in to leveling my player up to be competitive in the PvP scene. Especially if all my hard work is completely destroyed by someone who just decided to drop $100 to buy a million VC to upgrade their character. I know 2K has taken steps to curb this (you have to be a certain level to spend stat points now), and yes it's smart business, but why not do something for the people who can't afford to pay to play? How many kids are out there that their parents were barely able to afford the new game for them? Why do they not get to enjoy the full game experience?
Don't even get me started on the "Ultimate Team" modes.
I know companies need to make money. You do you booboo, but bring back games like NFL Blitz. Bring back the simpler, all inclusive games for all to enjoy. You can still release the major titles, you'll still make your money, but throw the rest of us a bone every once in a while.
Great points. I don't HATE microtransactions, but I would not miss them one bit. Bring back NBA Jame TE. That's my game. I even like the one I had on XB360. Blitz was hard for me but very enjoyable. On N64 I was an NFL Quarterback Club kid, and I also loved RBI Baseball and WCW No Mercy. I like any competitive game that is a simple drop-in and drop-out mechanic with absolutely no stat management. Pick your guys, pick your teams, go for the freaking gold. In-depth career mode is great and all, but I play enough RPG's I would like to just get back to sports sometimes.